Join the Free Community

Looking to grow your online business while also focusing on balancing self-care? Let me introduce you to the free Inkspire Collective community. A supportive hub for mindful entrepreneurship where like-minded individuals come together to focus on organizing their business while taking care of themselves.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Monthly Mindfulness Workshops: Let’s focus on self-care and anti-hustle practices to help you stay centered and focused on your dreams.
  • Planning & Organizing Challenges: Participate in quarterly challenges that will help you plan and organize your business for success.
  • Notion Basics for Creators: Gain early access to our upcoming masterclass and learn how to leverage Notion to boost your productivity.
  • Mindful Resources: Access valuable resources such as a self-care checklist, mindfulness meditation audio, social media posting prompts, and more.
  • Goal Setting & Vision Board: Map out your path to success with our goal setting worksheet and create a vision board to manifest your dreams.